Restorative Yoga with Shiatsu and Aromatherapy

November 1st, 6:30-7:45
$13/drop in or one punch on your pre-paid Yoga Card.

Join Shukie for our upcoming POP-UP RESTORATIVE YOGA CLASS that will incorporate Shiatsu techniques during a deep Restorative Yoga session. Restorative Yoga is an extremely supported practice where one holds floor based poses for 5 to 10 minutes with the help of comfy props such as bolsters/pillows, blankets, blocks, eye pillows, sandbags and more. In this class you will get further support through touch from basic Shiatsu techniques that Shukie will provide. Shiatsu is a Japanese form of bodywork that requires only a mat and floor – perfect for combining with a yoga practice! You will leave feeling extremely rejuvenated!
