Hello! We hope you and your loved ones continue to be safe and healthy!

As we all know, our world has been turned upside down due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. The past few months have been a challenging time for all of us. We all have been touched by this pandemic in one way or another and we are still not out of the woods just yet.

A Silver Lining:

Under the Governor’s Executive Order, we are in the process of reopening our Professional Massage Spa to offer professional massage services given by our licensed massage therapists under Phoenix Wellness Spa. Professional Massage Services fall under the jurisdiction of the NJ Department of Consumer Affairs and the NJ Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy. The State has provided very specific guidelines for professional massage spas, which we will be following for everyone’s safety.

Our Massage School, which falls under the jurisdiction of the New Jersey Department of Education, is gearing up to reopen after July 1st. We are in the process of adapting the State’s specific guidelines on reopening schools, which will include our Student Clinics.

Please bear with us!

We will keep you updated as we are ready to starting booking appointments.

Massage Therapy is Still an Awesome Career Choice!

If you’ve been keen on answering your calling, and making a difference in the welfare of others, we invite you to give us a call at (732) 608-7781 to talk about the career of your dreams. Or contact us online.

Our next DAY CLASS Massage Therapy Certification Program will likely be starting in September as opposed to July.

The next NIGHT CLASS is expected to start on time in September, usually the Monday following Labor Day, which we will confirm as soon as possible, once we get the rest of our protocols in place for reopening.

We will start that next program as soon as possible after graduating our current student cohort. We certainly look forward to setting a new date.

Stay tuned.

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