The opportunities available to skilled massage therapists have never been bigger. It’s an industry that has grown a lot in recent years, and will continue to grow in the foreseeable future. People are beginning to understand, like never before, just how beneficial massage therapy can be. Aside from a long list of physical benefits, such as better sleep and enhanced circulation, massage therapy has a calming effect on the mind. It helps people to unwind from the stresses of modern life, and brings a deeper sense of wellbeing.
But despite the rapid growth of the industry, and despite all the tangible benefits of massage therapy, there are still those massage therapists who fall by the wayside and eventually abandon the profession. The question is, why?
1. They didn’t attend a quality school
Massage therapy schools are plentiful, and more will appear as massage therapy continues to gain popularity worldwide. With so many schools the choose from, many students simply end up making the wrong choice. They attend a school that doesn’t go beyond (or even reach) the minimum, and does not provide students with a comprehensive set of technical and business skills.
2. They thought success was automatic
After graduating from massage therapy school, many people are totally convinced that it will be an easy career, and that business will simply come their way. But this isn’t true – a new graduate has to learn quickly and continue working hard in order to build a following, whether they’re working independently or for an employer.
3. They didn’t continue to hone their skills
Learning about massage therapy doesn’t end with graduation – it’s a lifelong process of practicing and mastering a healing art form. Therapists who lack this perspective and think they have nothing else to learn will almost inevitably fall by the wayside. On the other hand, those that find long-term success will virtually always continue their education and learn new things. Massage therapy is a living, breathing practice – every therapist should keep this in mind throughout the year!
4. They didn’t seek help from colleagues
Independent therapists sometimes live “in a bubble” where they see clients regularly, but do not seek feedback from other therapists and friends. It’s important to reach out and talk about issues and questions you have; this makes your practice more dynamic and responsible. It also ensures that you continue to grow and thrive along your path as a massage therapist.
Is your massage therapy school setting you up for success?
The best thing you can do as a new massage therapist is choose a school that gives you a comprehensive set of skills that help you grow and thrive in the industry. Things are changing fast, and will continue to change, but the value of high-quality massage therapy will always be relevant to people. It’s important to look for ways to deliver the best possible service to each and every client. The right school will teach you everything there is to know about doing just that.