Massage therapy has been around a long time – thousands of years, in fact – but never before has it been such a growing and lucrative field. As more and more people seek to take control of their health and wellbeing in natural ways, the benefits of professional massage therapy have become clearer than ever. Whether people just want to reduce stress and maintain optimal health throughout the week, or whether there is a specific injury or condition involved, massage therapy is very much a mainstream option these days.
What does that mean? For people eyeing a career in massage therapy, it means that there is an abundance of opportunity, and many schools to choose from. It also means that your choice of school will be important to your success in the field. If you or someone you know is thinking about embarking on a career in massage therapy, here are 5 signs of a reputable school.
1. A program that goes above and beyond minimal requirements
Different states have different requirements for professional certification in massage therapy, but adhering to those minimums is not always the best strategy for massage therapy students. What if the other therapists in your area are entering the field with more training, more knowledge, and more hands-on experience? The finest massage therapy schools go above and beyond minimum requirements, in order to truly prepare their students for a successful career in the field of massage therapy. Having an understanding of the minimum requirements for your state is a great way to find out which schools offer the best preparation for their students.
2. A wide range of techniques
Not all massage therapy schools teach the same techniques – but out in the real world, a wide range of techniques is highly useful. This includes Swedish, deep tissue, Shiatsu, Myofacscial Release, Trigger Point massage, and other techniques. At the same time, it’s important to realize that massage therapy training is definitely a “quality over quantity” scenario. It won’t do any good to receive training in a wide range of techniques if the training itself is anything less than top notch.
3. Hands-on experience
Massage therapy is a definitely a field in which classroom learning, books, and lectures are simply not enough. These things are a necessary part of any reputable program, but a focus on hands-on experience is an absolute must – and it’s one of the signs of a reputable school. Many academies run student clinics where individuals who are current training to become massage therapists are able to treat real clients. The value of this experience can hardly be overstated, and it goes a long way toward preparing students for the real world of massage therapy.
A better approach to massage therapy education
A successful career in massage therapy is among the most fulfilling out there, and the rewards are truly great. In order to put yourself in the best possible position to capitalize, choose your massage therapy school carefully – and make sure that no question goes unanswered before you make your choice!